When building a custom home, it is important to build compliance into the foundation of your house. What does this mean? It means that you need to make sure that your home meets all the building codes and regulations in your area. Failing to do so can result in costly fines and even the demolition of your home. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of building compliance and how to go about it.
What Exactly is Building Compliance?
Building compliance is the process of making sure that the house you are building meets all local and state building codes. These codes include safety regulations, such as adequate fire protection, proper electrical wiring, and other structural requirements. Building code enforcement may even include inspections to ensure your home is not a hazard to its occupants or nearby properties.
Let's Talk about Construction Laws

How does building compliance play a part in your home building process, and how does it relate to construction laws? Construction laws are in place to protect the public from dangerous building projects. Construction laws can vary from state to state, and it’s important that you familiarize yourself with construction laws before starting your project.
Knowing and following these laws can help ensure that your home is built safely and in compliance with local regulations.
Lot Approval
Before you can begin constructing a home, your lot must be approved by the local building department. This is to ensure that the land is suitable for construction, and that any permits needed are in place. It’s important that you familiarize yourself with all local zoning laws before purchasing a lot to build on.
Before you build, check with local zoning offices and planning boards to review the regulations associated with your lot. Zoning laws dictate where land can be used and the types of buildings that are allowed in an area—so it’s important that you familiarize yourself with these rules prior to building! Luckily for us all, this information is available publicly; however, please remember obtaining zoning information does not replace getting a permit from city hall or other relevant authority (which we’ll speak about soon).
Ordinances and Covenants
Even the most mundane regulations can impede on your building plans, so it’s essential to ensure that what your building proposal meets all local ordinances and covenants. Your area might be permitted to construct a certain type of structure, yet an ordinance could limit both its size and height. It’s important to take into consideration every factor before beginning construction, or you may face costly fines.
Building Codes
Building codes are the building regulations that must be adhered to when building a structure. These codes will vary from region to region and can include such things as fire safety, building materials, building height, design of structures, and more. It’s important to remember that building codes should not be confused with zoning laws; they are two different sets of regulations.
Permits and Plans
Finally, all construction must be approved by local authorities and obtain the relevant permits before it can begin. Most areas require a permit for any construction project, including new homes, remodels, and decks. Permits ensure that your building plan meets all safety codes and regulations; without them, your building project could be shut down.
Looking Deeper at Building Compliance
So now that you have a better understanding of different construction laws, let’s take a deeper look at the importance of building compliance. Building codes are enforced to ensure the safety of any building structure and its occupants, but it’s also important to remember that building codes may vary from state to state. It’s essential that you familiarize yourself with the building codes in your area before beginning construction on a new project.
Ensuring Compliance
Building compliance is a critical part of any construction project and must be taken seriously. To ensure your home is compliant, it’s important to consult with an experienced professional who can help guide you through the process. A qualified architect, contractor, or building inspector can help you navigate the building codes and building regulations in your area. They can ensure that any building project you plan to undertake meets building codes and safety regulations.
Ensuring that all personnel at the work site possess proper training, safety protocols and valid credentials is essential. Inadequate compliance can be extremely costly; take, for instance, when OSHA discovers a violation of protocol on your behalf– you may then incur an exorbitant fine up to $13,494! Moreover, if multiple workers are not properly licensed or certified, this sum could become exponentially higher.
Punishments: Fines and Lawsuits
Failing to comply with building regulations can result in serious penalties, including hefty fines and even lawsuits. For instance, if building codes are not followed correctly during a remodel or addition, the municipality could issue a stop work order and enforce fines for any building that is constructed without the correct permits. These fines may range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of the violation. In some cases, building violations can even lead to legal action, as in the case of building without a permit or building beyond zoning restrictions. Buildings erected without permits may be subject to demolition and removal at any time – costly for you!
Consequences of Not Following Building Compliance
Ignoring building compliance can be extremely costly and dangerous. Not only may it lead to fines, lawsuits, or stop work orders, but it could also result in unsafe building structures that put the lives of people occupying them at risk. It’s important to make sure that all building regulations are followed correctly, not only for safety reasons but also to avoid any potential legal action or financial penalties. By adhering to building compliance, you can be sure that your home is safe and up to code.
BRH Understands the Importance of Building Compliance
Building compliance is essential for building a safe and secure structure for your family. Before beginning construction, make sure you are familiar with all building codes and regulations in your area, obtain the proper permits from local authority offices, and follow all zoning laws and ordinances. Doing so will ensure that your building project is both safe and compliant with building codes.
BRH understands the importance of building compliance and takes it very seriously. We strive to make sure all building projects meet building codes while also providing quality service and craftsmanship. With BRH on your side, you can rest assured that every building project will be done safely and correctly. Contact us today to get started building your dream home!